If you wish to install the Nik Collection in another location, click on Browse a system dialog box will prompt you to create and/or select another volume. The installer will suggest a default location (Program Files folder on PC, Applications folder on Mac) and indicate the space required and the space available.Check the box and click on Accept (if you do not accept, the installation process will be cancelled). A new dialog box offers you to accept the license agreement.A dialog box informs you that any version installed on your computer, including the original Nik Collection, the Nik Collection from Google and a previous version of the Nik Collection, will be replaced.Select the installation language (the system language is proposed by default).In the installation window, click on Nik Collection.Locate the downloaded installation file and double-click on it to begin.Make sure to quit out of any host image editing application such as Photoshop or Lightroom.
Installation Left: Mac, right: PC Default install location (Mac) Default installation location (PC) You can activate Nik Collection 5 on three computers (Mac and/or PC).Perspective Efex only: English, French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese.All plug-ins except Perspective Efex: English, French, German, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, Italian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Latin American Spanish, Thai, and Turkish.Serif Affinity 1.8 and later versions (apart from Perspective Efex, not compatible with Affinity).


If no compatible card is available, GPU acceleration will be disabled and the processor (CPU) will be used.